Originally Posted by longbough
A unit comprised exclusively of shotgunners: useless in just about every type of military engagement known.
At the risk of being counted as a Titor supporter...that not entirely true. When I was in the Air Force, I was on a Tactical Response Force. We relied heavily on the use of shotguns, for close in combat. Remington 870s, to be exact.
That said, we were a highly specialized unit, in no way to confused with an "infantry".
Besides...in a "post-apocolyptic" world, who's to say? I can certainly envision armies that are forced to resort to arming themselves with whatever was at hand. The Confederate army, in the "1st" Civil War (

) used whatever they could get their hands on.
I call BS on John Titor. But not for being in a "shotgun infantry".
Oh...and by the way...I first read Alas, Babylon in 1978, and several times since. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It's a very good read. Fairly accurate, and realistic, portrayal of the Strategic Air Command, too. Pat Frank obviously did his homework.