Indoctrination....or Education?
There has been a marked increase in people leaving the fold of organized religion, and a part of this can be seen in the houses of Higher Education. Some of the highly faithful mindset feel this is due to an organized attack on Religion, or a result of corrupt society. While others see it as a natural result of gaining knowledge of the world we live in, and a better understanding of Reality as the pieces come together in the process of education.
Whats Your Take on It?
“The trial everyone has heard about – but most people underrate – is the sheer spiritual disorientation of the modern campus,” wrote J. Budziszewski in a Focus on the Family magazine article.
“Methods of indoctrination are likely to include not only required courses, but also freshman orientation, speech codes, mandatory diversity training, dormitory policies, guidelines for registered student organizations and mental health counseling,” Budziszewski added.
“[T]he modern university, having lost its moral convictions, has attached itself to relativistic doctrines such as tolerance and diversity, which mean, in practice, tolerance of anything but Biblical faith and traditional morality.”
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha