I'm kinda' wondering why he doesn't take the power to time travel and save the (Supposed) 3 billion people that are going to die in 2015.
Of course, I don't understand anything about quantum physics, so I'd be willing to bet that there's some underlying theory of time travel which states that the past can't be changed (Or something along those lines).
Originally Posted by willravel
I will admit that my first thought upon rediscovering his site and finding fault in his predictions was, "That idiot changed history..."
I watch way too many science fiction movies.
Perhaps John Titor is the reason why Kerry lost the 2004 election and the reason why the US civil war of 2005 never occurred. If the US civil war of 2005 never occurred, then I wonder if John Titor also managed to save 3 billion people from dying in 2015.
Or better yet, maybe John Titor changed history so that he never came in the past. Of course, if he never travelled back through time, then why do we still remember him...?
Edit: I got around to reading up on his predictions regarding WWIII, and I have to say it's a bunch of baloney.
1.) As we're all aware of, there hasn't been a US civil war for almost 120+ years. Since there was no civil war 2005, there is no AFE (American Federal Empire) of which Russia will be fighting against.
2.) First of all, I don't see China being able to forcibly annex Taiwan, Korea and Japan by the year 2012 (Or any time soon for that matter) and second of all, I don't see China launching a failed invasion of Australia. Nothing against you Aussies, but if China is able to overpower Taiwan, Korea and Japan, then they shouldn't have much problem with Australia. Of course, Australia could very well be the world super power in 2012, so what do I know...
3.) As we are all aware, the reason that the United States and Russia didn't attack each other during the Cold War was because of MAD. If Russia didn't attack the United States during the Cold War for this very reason, then why the hell would it launch nucleur attacks against the United States, China and most of the European Union?
4.) How does Russia survive but not China or the European Union?
21 November 2000 10:41 () 83
My first experience with war came when I joined a shotgun infantry unit at the age of thirteen. In the 4 years I served as a �rebel�, I watched hundreds of people get shot, burn and bleed to death. I know exactly where I was and every detail of the exact moment the first nuclear warheads began falling on Jacksonville.
I know where I was when Jacksonville was bombed; I was reading the book "Alas, Babylon!" by Pat Frank.
His depiction of a nuclear war with Russia is almost the same as those depicted in the novel. The only thing he did was basically create a sequel to the story (He begins his story where the novel ends). In fact, anyone who's read the book would pick up on this instantly.
Alas, Babylon is considered by some to be an inspiration for John Titor's claim of time travel and description of nuclear war in the 2010s.
There ya' go