Mondak, agreed. The Orion was simply too good to be true. Atlantis will take a great concept and ruin it. Having a real Ancient warship functioning and with squiddies was a great concept. They had a ship that should have been able to take out several hive ships at once (remember that the Ancients were technologically advanced compared to the Wraith, but they were simply greatly outnumbered). It was destroyed by two hive ships even with the assistence of the Daedalus. Ugh.
Then we have last week....the replicators are a great enemy!!! Leave it to Atlantis to muck it up. If they had any balls whatsoever, they would have let the Benedict Arnold replicator survive and assist Atlantis against the wraith. That would have kicked ass, but it's too creative for Atlantis. I'm starting to think that the collective creativity of the network is funneled into Battlestar and Battlestar alone.
This week loos like it is going to be really funny for SG1, but who knows?