Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
- I imagine most of your girlfriends and wives control you and you all beg for sex!
Nice attempt at a parting Jab.
Part of the issue here is that as a man, we have likely dealt with a Girl like yourself on numerous occasions before. Once you admitted your manipulations you became a target for the collective frustration we men,
and women to an extent, have dealt with in our Sexual lives. None of us can likely claim innocence in this regard, and most of us have played the game before....but few of us relish the inflicted pain, as you seem to project.
This forum is indeed enlightened sexually, as you can see from the many replys your thread created, but enlightenment also denotes understanding, and sometimes experience in matters relevant to your situation. If you wanted everyone to tell you how splendid your approach to this relationship is....perhaps you came to the wrong place for a pat on the back. If instead you are here to gain insight from multiple Lives, and differing experience patterns, you might take it all as constructive and LISTEN to the opinions.
Thats why most of us are here.