Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
Well then Iīm not a troll, as I wasnīt intentionally trying to piss people off, though, I have obviously succeeded in doing so. Probably, I imagine because some of you are misogynist geeks who have never experienced a real woman!
Iīm too drink to repky properly but this obviously isnīt the place for me. I ythink most of you are nice folk, just donīt give me your crap - I imagine most of your girlfriends and wives control you and you all beg for sex!
I think this statement becomes absolutely HILARIOUS when your first statement is that you are not intentionally trying to piss people off, followed by calling most of us 'misogynist geeks' and then following up with 'I imagine most of your girlfriends and wives control you and you all beg for sex!'
And this was meant to what; calm us down? personally my wife and I have a very healthy and FREQUENT sex life, we BOTH enjoy everything we do, and we don't hide things from each other. That is why we have lasted 10 YEARS so far, and are still happy. Oh, by the way, NEITHER ONE OF US CONTROL THINGS. We both share equally in the house, the kids, home duties, and our bedroom lives.
And just so you don't think I hate you or don't want you here, that is FAR from the truth. I'm a newbie too, and I always love hearing (reading?
) other peoples comments, even towards me. And everybody has a right to their own opinions. You too! Just don't expect everyone to agree with them, hell, many people don't agree with mine!
So this is to you......