Originally Posted by aberkok
Explanations aside, whether they were made or are coming, here's what my gut's telling me: I feel agression from this thread, not humour.
aberkok, I'd have to modify that and say there's a strong sense of
passive-aggression coming from this thread. Which is not usually tolerated around here. As I said earlier, I do not like the smart-assedness of the OP, or of those who have tried very deliberately to offend certain individuals here.
However, I also have a sense of humor and see that *some* aspects of the thread can be taken lightly... and as I also said earlier, I will tolerate it as long as the Hezbollah thread remains in GD. A semi-fair exchange. However, it would seem more fair if we could get as many people paying attention to and posting in that thread as they are with this one. Otherwise, this thread serves little purpose than to point up its smug attention-whorishness.