The first name attached to the role was that of [URL= Taylor[/URL], most popular in his role as the Adolescent David in the Academy Award winning movie, Shine. He is an absolutely brilliant actor, and I would love him in the role, but it feels like they are more interested in getting the "heart-throb"-esque actor to fill the role. I can understand that can help to assist sympathy for antagonists, but the Joker is not an antagonist that should elicit sympathy. He is a madman, and is truely cruel. One should loath the Joker, but find him dispicably funny (like a clown bleeding to death).
The Heath Ledger casting is a massive risk either way. If it pays off, which seems to be a long shot at least in my mind, then the movie will be a smash hit not unlike the original Burton Batman. If it fails, we may see the Batman franchise disabled for another extended period of time.
For now, I will await with great interest.