Originally Posted by MontanaXVI
A's fan here obviously, but it does worry me only because the last 2 years it has come down to a series with the Angels which they end up losing.
Would be nice to get Harden back and in some kind of form for a playoff run and Chavez might finally be getting his stroke.
We'll see
You hit it right on the head. Chavy and Harden are huge keys.
I think this rivalry has developed into one of the top 5 or so in the league, but, of course, it's gets little mention because we're "out west" and everyone out east has to get their beauty sleep before 10:30 when the west coast games start
I enjoy being rivals against Oakland fans as well, they are very boisterous when they come to Anaheim and I wish it would incite Angels fans a little more. We tend not to make too much noise until very, very late in the season and in the playoffs. One group of A's fans at a game in Anaheim a couple months ago even parked their RV's and had a tailgate party right next to the main parking lot entrance to try to rile us up. While a lot of people were flipping them the bird, I liked it. They had to have some balls (and maybe a little gall

) to pound their chests like that after the Angels have essentially punked them two years in a row. They are true fans.