Originally posted by 3leggedfrog
Do you see God as a being who is outside of space and time.
This view states that god is truely omnipotent and all knowing and so he created the world perfictly at the beginging of time. Free will comes into play here because God is all knowing, he already knows what you will do. "He" would already know that the child will change her mind. So to answer your question in this view "He" already answered the prayer at the beginging of time knowing full well the out come. Good and bad are outcomes for the greater good "God works in misterious ways." "He" has a set plan for the human race so what we think is evil is just something that will effect "His" plan for the greater good.
Lebell Rocks
Why is "his" plan for teh greater good? Why does god have to be outside the universe in order for him to be omnipotent and all knowing? How do we know that his plan is perfect, and that there is a greater good? How do we know he's not a bastard that likes to play with us the way little kids like to burn ants with a magnifying glass? I'm really curious. It seems to me that to have the outer presence perspective, you're using the Christian version of god, and there are many more versions/ideas of what god is. Maybe there's one god and he's Loki, just having fun with us? (In case any of this sounds like flaming material or me trying to be an ass, it's not meant that way, Lebell, edit/delete as you see fit).