Final thought...
Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
...the fact I have behaved as I have, and consistently, surely demonstrates that this is who I am and therefore provides him with expectations of the future.
You're right. If you have consistently behaved this way, then he has nothing to expect then what you have already shown.
Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
I think it´s very arrogant and presumptious of many of you to think that he´s unhappy or that he´s unable to make decisions for himself...
No one has said that they thought he was unhappy. We only suggest that if he knew what you are doing... intentionally doing... then he might not be to happy about it or you. There is a bit of a difference there.
Last one...
Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
...choice and consequences...
You are so right, again. I am gonna choose to not reply to this thread anymore. It has degenerated and can no longer be constituted as a discussion.