Roach...if, as you believe, Carno came in and pissed all over the floor in politics...then most everyone else threw down some boards and made a
bridge over it. Why...would you want to walk
in it?
If, as you claim, Carno's op was a "dig" at politics, then turn it around on him. Laugh at him.
I purposely left this thread open yesterday for a reason. It was subsequently closed for discussion, and I argued to open it back up for the very same reason. Blow off some damn steam, people. Look at yourselves, and have a good laugh. Take off your blinders and look at the guy next to you. Laugh at him, too.
Ustwo? Don't just point. Point and
laugh. Take up the liberal view (whatever the hell
that might be) in this little graham cracker debate. I've seen several good paradys here. It's
your turn.