I started college not knowing for sure what I wanted to do. Dad wanted me to be an engineer, so that's what I put down, knowing it's not what I wanted and planning to change it at some time (although I didn't tell him that). Into my second year of school, I decided to be a high school math teacher and softball coach. That lasted until Calculus I. I hadn't had any Calc in high school, so I was kinda in over my head. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I enrolled in Computer Science I to try something new to try and find something I liked. Best decision I ever made. I found what I wanted to do.
I got my first real job a month after graduating college. It was a secretarial position of sorts, but it got my foot in the door with the biggest company near home. It worked. About a month after I started working, a system analyst position came open and here I am. I really like what I do and couldn't imagine doing anything else.
"Whoever wrote this episode should die!"