At this point, I think George Cloony is the only person who can really save the Democratic party. I wish I were kidding. As far as partison bickering and lying and making war and spending money, the Dems can't compete. Not even Leiberman can compete with the emperor/president in office, and he's practically switching sides. If the Dems take a strong anti-terrorist stance, they are grouped with Iraqi war supporters - and thus lose real Dem support, if they take a strong peace stance (dubbed "anti-war" by certian people), then they are hippies and don't care about the safty of the populace. The Republicans have done a good job with their plan. Like the Brain from pinky and the Brain. Because of all this, the only real option for a candidate would be the following:
1) Out of left field. No one in the political arena seems to be able to overcome the partison bickering that's been developing and worsening over the past 8-12 years. Dems need someone who can appear to be disconnected from current politics in such a way that they seem to know what they're doing, but they aren't connected with ignorance or partisonship. This also suggests that the person not appear to be easily controled.
2) Damn popular. Dems need someone who can out "down home" Bush or his replacement. Dems need lovable. Dems need adorable. Dems need Clinton-esque, but without the vulnerability of another scandal.
3) Tough as nails, when necessary. In order to directly compete with the good-old-boys-with-guns persona, there needs to be a tough guy (or gal) that can appear ferocious. They don't really need to back it up with any real experience, military or otherwise, but the illusion should be there. Think Steve McQueen in Bullitt.
The only person I can think of that would fit that role is George Cloony. It's kinda sad.
Last edited by Willravel; 08-16-2006 at 02:32 PM..