Originally Posted by pan6467
You gotta just love the insanity, hypocrasy and irony of all this.
The conspiracy people claim 9/11 was created by BushCo/Isreal whomever for money purposes.
Yet, the "educated" experts yelling conspiracy are making millions upon millions going on talkshows, selling books, publishing articles, having websites that get their names out there so that someone at CNN or the Guardian may quote them.
I just find it sad, that instead of trying to learn from it and build a stronger nation that won't allow it to happen again, we use it to divide us even more.
Actually, those shouting conspiracy are not only not profiting from it, but most are losing their jobs and their credibility. 9/11 truth isn't a profitatible. 9/11 truth book sales are not high. 9/11 truth is almost never covered on TV or radio, and when it is it is usually public access type of stuff (a.k.a. not corporiate funded).
Edit: the real stuff that's selling has more to do with the after math of 9/11, like Afghanistan and Iraq, or the loss of civil liberties and phone taps.