I have mixed feelings about M. Night. I have no idea what to make of my feelings on Lady in the Water. I thought it was an uneven movie. I did, however, like The Village, The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable. I'm a bit torn on Signs. As to some people's comments about Spielberg, I find that he cannot finish a movie. I often feel that thirty minutes to an hour of his films could be cut, especially Minority Report, Saving Private Ryan, A.I., War of the Worlds,and The Terminal. While watching these particular Spielberg films, I felt like an ADHD kid without his medicine. I was just waiting for them to end and felt that they ended several times or could/should have.
Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake.
Last edited by Aurakles; 08-13-2006 at 07:39 PM..