I remember scads of trivia and other inane things... I forget things that are important to others, like birthdays and anniversaries and well -- to call... it's not important to be, but it is to others- does this make me a bad person because I forget suchthings? Probably, to some... but I think it's part of who I am... and people can accept it or not. I've never been under the mindset that doing something because somoene else wants you to do it -- is a good reason to do anything...
Does the person who forgets an anniversary not care about their spouse? Probably not.. they just have a different priority in thier head... What shows that tehy care is that they come home to their spouse and they treat them with respect... a date on calandar is just that-- one date... love and respect of another are a daily thing.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.