I have this problem too. I am going to the dermatologist, but in the meantime I am using homeopathic Calendula cream. It is a known skin healer. Also in the UK, Lichen Sclerosis is being successfully treated wtih light therapy: UVA treatments. A full spectrum light bulb or sunlight in small small doses may be of extreme help. I will not take the steroidal creams as they weaken the immune system, which is overall the reason PERHAPS for this condition.
Our immune systems are attacked from many sources:
Stress, pollution, toxins in our food, hormones in our foods, birth control if you take it, etc. I am menopausal, so the added stress, even though normal, is the shift and lessening in the hormones. My stress level is extreme as I am getting married, moving and starting a new job. Once I made the decision to do all three at the same time, out of necessity, this condition came on. Intercourse is next to impossible due to the shrinking of the vaginal opening as the skin changes and tightens. I have read that there are dialators that may help if the skin does not open enough.
I do not believe there is just one cause for this. I also have Candida, a systemic yeast condition, which originates in the intestinal tract from antibiotic use as a child, and the other list above...most people have it and stress, poor diet and sweets can cause enormous flare ups, which include depression, foggy thinking and lack of body awareness and confusion etc. as well as a craving for more sweets like a real junkie....
Last edited by vickyalive; 08-13-2006 at 04:19 PM..
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