Originally Posted by magictoy
The irony is still palpable.
While it shocks me that lies such as these are a humdrum affair to you, the "PR angle" viewpoint you proclaim is appropriate here:
When lying is normal, and acceptable, why would anyone ever form an agreement of any sort?
You ignored the little "tour" that I offered to walk you through....in my last post,
in an attempt to give you a well documented argument (most of the linked excerpts were from federal .gov/.mil web pages, or from the Cheney recommended factcheck.org, or the debate.org site's transcript of a 2000 Bush/Gore debate, and from a washingtonpost.com transcript of a senate committee hearing....certainly nothing from any source that would be labeled as too "fringe"......) ....yet you persist with your protest of comparatively insignifigant prpaganda examples that may have been authored by enemies of Israel?
Why are you so moved by Psy-ops from the M.E., that have no affect on you, or even on the outcome of the M.E. conflict (did Lebanon or Gaza receive less of an ass kicking, this summer, because some folks propagandized on their behalf.....than they would have if there was no propaganda distributed?)
You made a statement linking "Pallywood" with some kind of doublestandard related to the criticism of Bush's pronouncements about Iraq? IMO, there is no rationale for linking the two, unrelated, issues. I responded to your posted statement, I supported my argument that is counter to yours with support from reasonable sources, and I look forward to your best effort to respond to the points in my argument.