Originally Posted by willravel
Why were the Palestinians displaced into Lebanon? Why is there a PLO?
Ask King Hussein of Jordan why he carried out Black September, and kicked Arafat out of Jordan.
I don't imagine all Hezbollah will agree with the cease fire. Combine that with the stupid wording the UN decided on, namely the ending of offensive military action (which allows for continued defensive action, which can include firing on Lebanon), and you have a cointinued conflict, and the UN still sitting there with their collective thumbs up their asses. If Hezbollah doesn't stop, and they won't, Israel won't stop. They should ahve gone with the reccomendation from Russia.
So it'll be ok if/when hezbollah ignores the UN, but not ok for Israel to defend itself? Why is this?
On that I think we can all agree.
Not all, apparently.
It's sad you'd follow up a great quote like the one about the biggest victims being the civilians of both Lebanon and Israel with a personal attack against roachboy. Your childish words are the same words that I've seen before, right before someone gets banned. Personal attacks are strictly forbidden here on TFP, and you are not exempt from that rule. Why would you choose to write such hatred?
Yeah, maybe I overreacted, according to the rules of TFP.
I stand by what I said.
If the mods choose to act, I would hope they base their decision on how they judge it among themselves, and not be swayed by a 3rd party/nonmoderator's personal 2 cents.