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Old 08-13-2006, 10:40 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Location: One step closer to the padded cell...
Originally Posted by Daoust

I just always find it funny how secular society formulates their morals...
How I plan to rebuttal your remarks has nothing to do with formulated morals

Everyone seems unanimously agreed that cheaters are jerks. But again, who's to say that cheating is wrong???
The only person that can say that cheating is wrong is the person that has it done to them and then only that they have been wronged by the cheater

Who are YOU to tell me I CAN'T cheat on my wife?
I am not telling you or anyone else that you cannot cheat on your wife. It is up to her to tell you that you can or cannot as she would be the peroson being wronged if it did happen

Don't pass your baseless judgement on me!
I am not passing any judgement on you, but the person you are cheating on has all of the right to pass judgement

You can't tell me what to do! There's no moral code that I have to abide by that tells me that I can't or shouldn't cheat.
I can tell you anything I like, I cannot MAKE you do anything. As far as moral code you have to abide by, that is something that you yourself have to find on your own, and while others can make suggestions, only your own moral compass can guide you as long as you stay within the laws <see note 1> of the area of which you live.

That's true, you may say, but it's still wrong... Wrong?
You may think that hitting someone is perfectly okay if you feel justified. Does that make it right? Only if both people agree to it. ( i.e. a consensual fight )
Compared to what?
If you intentionally do something to another person with or without malice and that person never consented to it, then prepare to incur the consenquences of that action
What does wrong mean? Just not acceptable to you...
As stated above, what is wrong to you is right to be and vice versa, however as the old addage goes, your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose
note 1 - to avoid any debate on the inclusion of the word laws, for purposes of this discussion the definition was meant as [The popular collection of rules passed by the majority of people living in an area]

Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.
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