Originally Posted by spectre
For an mp3 player, if you were a fan of winamp, I'd suggest XMMS.
I've got XMMS-KDE for mp3's, and The Gimp 2.2 for photo editing. I'll work on the printer tomorrow after work.
Download and install of flashplayer went smooth this time, but websites are telling me that I don't have the latest version, despite being the current available from Adobe. I don't get it, I guess.
Konquerer will play some video ( with mplayer or xine, I suppose) but it comes through choppy and stops to load the next sequence every 10-15 seconds. Is there a way to set a large cache?
Firefox still get told it has the wrong version of flash.
MP3's play great.
I grasp the idea of "mounting" and "unmounting" peripherals. Are there any other surprises awaiting me when I connect my digital camera or printer?
Printer works! Boy! I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here. Thanks for all the help!