Originally Posted by magictoy
It's deeply troubling that so many people accept at face value such distorted and falsified items as these from Lebanon/Hezbollah, outrageous lies and tortured out-of-context quotes provided by Michael Moore, and total misrepresentations such as the polar bear photo from Al Gore.
Let President Bush say that we have made improvements in Iraq, though, and he's labeled the biggest liar in history.
So the whole point of this thread is that some palestinians have lied whilst depicting the abuse they suffer at the hands of the israelis? I could see that. This is war and it seems pretty clear to me that the first casualty in any war is the truth.
The idiotic part is the assertion that the fact that some palestinians have been deceptive implies that none of the palestinians have any significant reasons to be pissed off at israel.
Something interesting to note is that the same people who bought the current administration's justifications for invading iraq hook, line, and sinker are now SHOCKED!!! SHOCKED!!!!! that the palestinians might use deception as a strategy. Really, how naive can you be?
If president bush says we have made improvements in iraq than he is lying, or at the very least only telling part of the story. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't paying attention to other telling things, like the whole "descending into civil war" thing that seems to be happening(that's only if you happen to trust the generals running the show over there).