Originally Posted by filtherton
I doubt you'd do the same for me if i posted a 20 minute video, so i'll just wait for the summary to appear.
I accept your challenge to provide a Cliff's Notes version for you.
Here is the link to a one or two minute presentation:
In order that it not be lost in the shuffle of links, here are a few trumped-up pictures. Details are provided in the link above.
The one we all know about
A rescue worker...
Who suddenly becomes a victim...
A "jet crash" that is actually tires burning at a dump...
And a woman who has her home bombed a little too often...
It's deeply troubling that so many people accept at face value such distorted and falsified items as these from Lebanon/Hezbollah, outrageous lies and tortured out-of-context quotes provided by Michael Moore, and total misrepresentations such as the polar bear photo from Al Gore.
Let President Bush say that we have made improvements in Iraq, though, and he's labeled the biggest liar in history.