Originally Posted by Toaster126
I respect life. I have an agreement with all creatures, vermin included; you don't come in my house, I won't kill you. I don't find any cognitive dissonance there.
I figure that I'm at the top of the food chain for a reason. Like everyone else said--mice are vermin. My folks had a mouse problem that started up shortly after both of our cats had passed away. It was as if the mice knew that there was no longer a cat on the premises. They started getting into the cabinets, nibbling at the food, running across the dishes--you literally could not safely use a dish in the cupboard without washing it off first, and you had to inspect the food in the cupboard to make sure the packaging hadn't been nibbled at. Dad was having to clear the traps out daily, and the mice were getting bold--dashing across the living room and all over the house.
Needless to say, my parents acquired two kittens very shortly thereafter. The kittens have not caught anything yet, but their mere presence has been enough to keep the mice at bay.