The "fear card" has been highly successful in the past and I anticipate it's usage triplefold this election cycle. However, I don't believe political rhetoric such as Cheney's falls within the common definition of "terrorism." Our entire political history is filled with cynical manipulation of the voters. I don't like the motivation behind this tactic, but I think the First Amendment applies to sleezy politicians as well as the rest of us.
I do think that the political manipulation of the crisis level of the country is a form of "terror." We can dismiss political rhetoric if we choose, but as a people we should be able to trust the level of threat as an honest assessment of present danger. Only a minority of the populace continues to believe that the crisis level isn't politically manipulated.
I am also surprised that some members of TFP believe that the US played any part in the "liquid bomb" arrests. The talking heads and a very compliant media imply that the US was involved, but that was simply not the case. I assume that the intention is to mislead the voters into believing that this is "one for our great leader?"
Host, would it be too off topic to remind folks of Bush revealing the capture of a high level A'Q member in 2004? The consequences of that idiocy for political gain really can't be measured.