Originally Posted by host
lived on Manhattan on 9/11. I put aside my furstration over the way Bush came into office after the Florida non-recount. It was uplifting to the spirit and brought hope to all of us who saw Bush speaking from atop the rubble that was, just days before, the WTC towers.
Mr. Bush lost me....I didn't lose him. Where is the progress after his promises? Empty, partisan , rhetoric is all that I see coming from this man....I can't believe anything that he or his appointees tell us. The Invasion of Iraq and the Katrina response are all any of us should need to make up our minds as to whether we trust Mr. Bush to lead us on substance, or on feelings.
There is no substance....there hasn't been any since he stayed in that classroom on 9/11. The only man in the country authorized to order the "shoot down" of an airliner that had become a potential weapon, sat glued to his seat with a "deer in the headlights" look on his face, and then did not leave an elementary school full of children, for a full half hour after the second plane had hit the WTC.
The "fringe" position here folks, is the belief that one can trust and support this U.S. leadership and still be in the "mainstream". The country has moved on from that POV. Welcome to the "fringe"!
I call shinanagins. host I don’t' know who you are, but this is not 'you' it sounds like the kind of pap a party would send out as a letter to the editor of a paper prior to an election, hoping they run it as a individuals contribution. Bush never had your support nor did he lose it. It would be inconsistent to think so based on your history of 'work' here.
Unless you are some bazaar man sitting in his basement doing nothing but constant searches, you are getting your information from 'somewhere' and I'm guessing it’s a centralized source. I think much like the left wing 'talking points' mailing list which was recently revealed to the general public, you are just an activist working with a pre-planned agenda. I've seen too many posts like yours on various message boards, hell even the mlb messages board has its share, to think its just spontaneous angst against this administration. It gets to a point where it defies logic. You said that 'agents' were posting in this forum, and I think you might be right, but it ain't me or anyone on the right. You might not be anyone important, but you are not just some ordinary guy who is upset with the government and who wants to talk about it, you have an agenda in your posting.
You never visit the other forums here, and my guess is you post this on several message boards in some odd propaganda program. I thought you were just some guy with ‘issues’ who needed a break but I’m starting to think you are very sane, just not what you are hoping we think you are.