This is a great story.
I can assure you, she knows no one is paying their rent. She wants it that way. You almost hit the nail on the head. She considers it a home away from home for all you guys. She likes being the nice lady and knows no one will say anything bad about her. No doubt there is no mortgage on the property so all it really costs her is the utilities, taxes and insurance evey month. She has the money to pay these and likes the freedom that not having to collect and enforce rents gives her. Most of you cannot understand this attitude now, but as you get older you will. Giving you (her 'kids') the money makes her feel good. She wants you to be responsible and all, but moreso she doesn't want you to do without schooling or other essentials because of her. This is her way of 'paying it forward'. Maybe she is trying to teach you guys a life lesson here. I know I have let people slide on their rent when I knew they honestly didn't have it and were in a tough spot. Life happens. Doesn't mean I haven't been taken advantage of before but bad karma is a terrible thing to have looking over your shoulder.
It is great that you are saving the money in a seperate account and I would continue to do so. I can almost assure you though that she will never come and ask for the money. It would be beneath her. She has money, you do not. She probably feels she would rather give it you guys that pay it to Uncle Sam in taxes.
I would be nice to her and tell her how much you appreciate her helping you out with the rent. Mention that you are saving the money and hope that one day you can help somebody else the same way she is helping you. That will make her day.
Good Luck.
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau
"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson