Originally Posted by Ustwo
Mal I really am surprised to hear you of all people saying this because, despite what you say, you are one of the sane ones. Do you think that things would be the same if they removed airport security all together?
I have an extremely low opinion of airline security... I've had entirely too many incidents where I've gotten on board a flight with something that I never should have been allowed to get on board with (blow torch w/ fuel, 6 inch chef's knife, fairly large swiss army knife that was in the hand of the security agent as she hand searched my bag two weeks after 9/11) and things that have been confiscated... Tweezers (by the same guard who didn't see the swiss army knife in her hand) a plastic knife that wouldn't cut butter, a key.
Would we be better off without airport security? No probably not. But is confiscating water bottles going to help anything? No.
There's got to be a better way than what's being done... Do I have a solution? No, of course not, it's easier just to sit on an internet forum and think I know everything...
If someone has the intent of doing evil... they will do it.