Um... what?
He's with you now, dont worry about his past as long as he's disease/kid free.
Why do you care if his past girls look different than you? I've had an ex (white) who completely freaked out because she found out my current GF is Korean. Why that matters I have no idea.. just wondering why women seem to care.
Are you asking why men have sex? Probably the same reason the women wanted to have sex with him, same reason you want to have sex with him. Physical attraction met with (usually) a mental and/or emotional connection. You say you can't understand how it didn't mean anything. Maybe some of them did mean something only he's trying not to get you jealous/freaked out. Maybe it was simply him sowing his wild oats so that when he finds someone like you he won't be feeling such a strong desire to get with other women. Maybe you should just ask him?
When it comes down to it is he's with you, so why are you worrying about it?
Last edited by Seaver; 08-10-2006 at 09:22 PM..