Originally Posted by willravel
I'm sure they're fully aware, since this has happened before. If I had to guess, I'd say they're provoking arab extreemists out of hiding in order to eradicate them, while *accedentally* killing and terrorizing arab civilians at the same time (two birds with one missle). Israel seems to think the only way it can survive is through complete supremacy over the region. They want the other countries to be so afraid of them that the thought of attacking them is out of the question. This is the very definition of state sponsored terrorism.
Of course, the problem with that strategy is that Israel will end up killing many, many inncent arab civilians.
This is why alot of us will never agree.
I will pick out two parts that will keep me from agreeing with the above
Originally Posted by willravel
while *accedentally* killing and terrorizing arab civilians at the same time (two birds with one missle)
I don't believe that Israel has any
intention to harm or terrorize arab civilians. (If this was the case, why not add ball bearings to the missiles they are firing?) I know that I can't make you believe it, I wish I could. To believe this I would have to think that Israel population is bad and they elect bad people who want to do bad things.
In this specific case Olmert is the one that is pushing the rest of Israel to give the West Bank to the Palestinians. Even Peres, the guy that would give Jerusalem is on board with the war. I just don't see it as you do.
I believe that what Israel is doing is bombing real targets and saying "you know what, we are at war. If the bomb strays and hits something else and people get hurt we will feel bad but that is not going to stop is. Or if by the time the bomb gets there the target is not there anymore and people get hurt again we will feel bad but that will not stop us either. This is war we have to defend our citizens"
Originally Posted by willravel
They want the other countries to be so afraid of them that the thought of attacking them is out of the question. This is the very definition of state sponsored terrorism.
Yes, exactly as you state, they want the other countries to be afraid of them so that they won't attack. That is correct.
Did they build up a tremendous army for this purpose. Yes and also for the purpose of defending in case of attack.
Do they have nuclear power for this purpose. Yes, definately.
Are they bombing Lebanon now for this purpose. No (i know I will probably not get you to agree to this either). They are bombing Lebanon to try to root out Hizballah.
Do any of these make up state sponsored terrorism, no.
(I hope that I did not leave any of my thoughts our from when I first read the post)