Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Thankfully, so far, it IS nothing. But then my mind starts *working* Say what you will about Bin Laden....but he is not a stupid man.....911 was not thought out and planned by someone without brains. What if what has happened today is a diversion? What if this is their way of making us focus on something else, somewhere else in the world while they silently go on with their REAL plans?
That is what scares the hell out of me....that and this feeling of *dread* that wont go away. The *world* is so excited because they stopped this reported attack....I just hope they keep their guard up everwhere.
That's what I've been thinking too...what if they're all just so busy patting themselves on a back for a job well done that they don't notice what's going on behind the curtain?
Personally, I think whatever they do--it would have to be a whole heck of a lot bigger than 9/11 to have the same impact--and that scares the shit out of me.