OK, first of all the US Government has soveriegn immunity and can't be sued for bodily injury happening on their property. It's exactly the same as if you slip and fall on the Capitol steps - you still can't sue the government, nor should you be able to. It's the same as sueing yourself.
As far as "frivolous" lawsuits go, I've seen huge payouts on things that look frivolous to those ignorant of all the facts. I had a large crane account that I wrote for several years that paid out over $1M after a guy broke into a construction site and hung himself from a crane. Sounds frivolous, but it turned out that the police called the contractor and told them that this guy had been talking about it for a while and had told someone that he was going to do it that night. They should have known.
Just because you think a suit is "frivolous" doesn't make it so. This particular guy has no case because he's sueing the wrong party (or rather a party that is immune from the suit), but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't stand a decent chance of winning money if he had been camping on private land instead of public.
You can now resume your dick-measuring contest with national parks being used as the ruler. Good luck with that, especially you Ms. Onesnowyowl.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo