Originally Posted by willravel
If the media speaks for itself, then why do so many have questions about it? Do you think it's possible that other people have other perceptions of the videos or articles?
In the 9/11 thread in Politics, I do everything I can to accomidate those who have an opposing opinion to my own as a sign of respect and for the sake of the discussion at hand. While something may be obvious to me, it isn't always going to be obvious to someone else. Shoot, I could see something as being completly obvious, but it turns out I'm 100% wrong. The idea is to meet in the middle and break it down until both or all parties understand one another. You, Ustwo, and stevo have done no such thing in this thread. The starting assumption in all the posts is that the Palestinians are lying and trying to decieve. The thing is, that shouldn't be an automatic assumption and it isn't to a lot of people. I, for one, took a look at the first video and saw it as nothing but suggestion based on conjecture. When I pointed it out, I was met with silence. I had to practically beg Ustwo to respond. Why? I mean we're talking about Ustwo, here. He loves to try and shoot me down.
Yes I think it possible that other people have other perceptions of the videos or articles.
As far as the other stuff, I think it goes both ways. I notice people on all sides putting stuff out there all the time and are met with something else than what they hoped for, or never receive a reply at all for whatever reason. It isn't just you. Perhaps its just the nature of internet communication.