Thank you, both.
It is true that one of the cichlids (thanks for the correct spelling) has been highly aggressive, but hadn't caused any injury while I was watching. I would prefer to risk the last Angel Fish in preference to keeping the cichlids, all else being equal. My favorites are the Albino's and the Grommie, and if they are reasonably safe from the cichlids, I would keep that combination intact.
The fellow who gave me these fish claims that the cichlids are a little higher up the socialization hierarchy that the others I have. Any truth to that, or are they his favorites for another reason?
Thanks again..
Originally Posted by cj2112
I'm gonna say your Cichlids are the likely culprit. While Angels can be a bit agressive towards other fish, I have observed my Cichlids literally locking jaws w/ each other while fighting, and they fought a lot. They are a very agressive type of fish and will kill almost any other type.
Wow, I missed your post. They will even kill each other? I guess I named "Hannibal" correctly.