Originally Posted by maleficent
glares at the young whippersnapper...
Beagles have very sweet dispositions and are rather bumps on logs.... and don't get all that big.
My beagle has the energy of 15 supergiant stars. He's over a year and a half old, but still is 100% puppy, and acts accordingly. He is also very vocal. He can, and has, barked himself mute over the coures of about a week on several occasions. Compared to my last dog, a wire-hair fox terrier, my beagle is pure mahyem. He is loyal and kind, but he requires supervision. He is also nearing 30 pounds, and none of it is fat (I exercise him twice a day).
BTW, a wire-haired fox terrier might be a good choice. Mine was quite loyal, behaved himself, and didn't shed at all.