Cheating roommate/girlfriend
So as mentioned in previous threads, my now ex-girlfriend is a past cheater (was cheating with me when I met her). Well, now I have found out that she cheated on me (suprise suprise) with my roommate (actual suprise, shock), and pretty much best friend at college. Multiple times. Shes gone. She is out of my life, never to return again again. I'm wondering what your advice would be concerning my roommate? I don't know her side of the story yet (she'll tell me after she gets off work, I assume), because he is the one who told me. Hes been sick about what he did, where as she has not and has lied about it right up till the very end. I am going to get tested for STDs, because she has probably cheated with others, although she does use condoms.
In my head I've pondered reactions ranging from:
~Most Extreme~
Moving out, no longer talking to him
Cutting off communication and staying
Attempting to forgive him, eventually, but never fulling trust him again
~Least Extreme~
I feel extremely betrayed and hurt. Had it been just one time, I think I could have forgiven him much more easily. But the fact that it happened in a non-isolated manner hurts me extremely. It happened before we were official, and after I even decided to make her my *official* girlfriend.
At the moment I feel that I am at one of the greatest emotional crisis points in my life. I felt like I could handle it if something happened and it had to end with her, but the fact that he betrayed me shakes me to my very core, because he is such a large part of my life. He is my longest running college friend, we live together, and essentially have the same friends. I don't want to have to completely re-establish a social network free of him. I have some extremely spiritual friends whom I feel that I should seek out for guidance and support. I'm not a spiritual person but I don't think I can handle this alone. Feel free to offer any other advice, besides not to date cheaters, because I never will again.