Originally Posted by JinnKai
I agree. I refuse to camp at a "site" where you BUY wood and there are stores to sell smore material. I like "roughin" it -- sleeping bag, maybe a tent. But for the people who camp at "campsites" that are guarded off, don't you think they have a reasonable expectation of safety?
The guy was in the Mt. Hood National Forest. We're not talking about a campground that sells wood and smores. We're talking about "roughing it" in many locations--especially if he wasn't at a developed campsite, and there are lots of hiking trails all through there, so the guy could have been anywhere.
Truthfully, if the guy was as enthusiastic about the outdoors as he says he is--you think he would have had a better grip on his surroundings before bedding down for the night and would have noticed there was a cliff 30 ft. from where he was camping.
The government shouldn't have to pay out for people's stupidity.