Originally Posted by JustJess
I don't think it's the music, either. That's just silly. However, I do think that the media on the whole are presenting and selling a far more sexualized world to a younger audience than the one I grew up in, and mine was more sexualized than my mom's, and on down the line. As time goes by, the progression just continues.
I did things at 16 that my mother did at 21 (I assume, anyway). Now, 12 year olds are doing stuff that I did at 15. The whole system is just getting younger. There are a zillion factors into that, but I think the largest one is that this is what is selling. This is good business. This isn't about the music at all.
Isn't this just human nature coming back out though? A hundred years ago, people were doing those things at 12 and 13 as well. Then society said, "No! Bad kiddies!" and people became stiff when it came to sex. It's not that kids were as "open" 100 years ago, but it was just the norm. Maybe 150 years, tops. Girls were married and having children by 15 or 16. Before that, it had been that way since the dawn of mankind. So after a hundredish year blip, we're going back to what's NORMAL for humans.