Originally Posted by NoSoup
Remember, often times people hear about a situation and automatically assume that it is frivolous lawsuit. For instance: The lady who spilled McDonald's coffee on her lap. At least in my opinion, it wasn't frivolous - the coffee was far hotter than it ever should have been, and caused extensive damage to her - if I remember correctly, multiple surgeries, skin grafts, permanent nerve damage, and of course scarring were just the tip of the iceberg.
Initially, it sounds ridiculous, but I try to withold judgement until I have the full story...
Have you ever spilled fresh coffe in your lap in a car, where you can't immediately do something about it? Me neither, but I've done it places where I could at least lift the clothes off my skin. Still got burns. With age, the damage only increases. Still frivolous in my opinion, unless the person serving her spilled it on her.