Originally Posted by JinnKai
I agree. I refuse to camp at a "site" where you BUY wood and there are stores to sell smore material. I like "roughin" it -- sleeping bag, maybe a tent. But for the people who camp at "campsites" that are guarded off, don't you think they have a reasonable expectation of safety?
There are to many variables to have a reasonable expectation of safety, wild animals, weather, other idiots, just to many things for the government to keep track of, if you want a real safe place to go camping, go to a state park near a. if this idiot succeeds with his law suit, I see the beginning of the end of state run parks, more and more people are going to sue over stupid things like this, and eventually it will cost to much to keep the park open to visitors, or you will have to sign a waver just to enter the park.
‘Warning, Don’t Be An Idiot!’
…I bet you $10 he was drunk at the time.