Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
Well, the main issue is dealing with being an American citizen and how to obtain a work visa in the EU and how I would be able to do that. Once the immigration idea is sorted out I think I can work out the logistics from there, but that's a pretty important part to cross since I dont' know the first place to start. The State Department? I'd like to be an American Citizen and remain that way, but I'd like to be able to live in other places and be able to work there. I don't have the slightest as to how feasible that is to work out.
Step 1) Get a universal skill set, like teaching, computers, farming, etc.
Step 2) Get a buddy in your target country. There are Europeans lurking on TFP...ask them your questions!
Step 3) Find a company that needs people who speak english in your skill set, and contact them. Remember that Craigslist has websites across Europe as well as North America.
Step 4) Find a company that wants you.
Step 5) Have them do all the work. Heh.
I'm just guessing, of course, but it seems like it could work.