That's a very interesting article.At first, I took at a look at myself, and a couple girlfriends I've had.I realized the type of music they listened to, the type that I did and examined the differences in personalities and sexual experiences.
So far the article seems right on track.The girls that listened to hip-hop, and music like Nickleback(the worst band in history, but I digress)seemed more open to sex, talking about sex and generally had sex at a much younger age than those who didn't.
In the end though, there were too many exceptions to be able to say that it was definately the music.There were some wild cards like the Beetles, or Weezer(more about losing relationships, being a loser etc.) that throw it off completely for me.
I vote casual, or at the very least, teens that involve themselves in sex at earlier ages are just more likely to enjoy music with sexual overtones.