Originally Posted by bundy
its as if Americans are trained at a young age to fill the air-time if they had a tv camera put in front of them.
Comes in handy when you're the guy running the camera. All I have to do to get someone to say more than perhaps they wanted to, or should, is sit there quietly. They'll ALWAYS fill the silence - even the politicians, and nine times out of ten I use what they fill it with.
Ignore BillyBaldwin, because grouping Americans into a general perception is exactly what I asked you to do when I started this thread.
Yes and BillyBaldwin is trying to explain to you that grouping people is a dumb idea. And he's right. There's no such thing as a stereotypical American. In fact there's no such thing as a sterotypical anything. It's a flawed concept, just as the concept that you're a nerd because you use an online message forum is flawed.