This is really a situation where it is not dependant on any goverment to changed. Everyone has to changed. There are so many things wrong with the world to day, and there's not one person whom can fix it all. Problems with, race, sex, religion are not the only things we see evidant everyday.
I consider myself a very smart person and I will tell you something, which you may or may not need to hear, humanity is going to annihilate until there is either a) no one left, or b) enough left to form and build back from the roots.
Annihilation is a problem within itself, but beyond that is the idea that one of two things can happen:
1) Humanity can band together and understand that life is important and that every individual needs to strive to be the most for himself or herself and no one else, with that code of personal values. Through hard work and dedication each man or woman could then possibly engage in a world that could survive. If everyone lived by the same personal values. ( I'm not entering religion in this). As long as there are people that are willing to try and exploit the minds of others or there are people whom are willing to let others exploit their minds then there is nothing that can be done for humanity. I'm not trying to be an asshole but I'll tell you what, I've been lazy in my life, but I don't sit there and try and get others to support me. There are individuals out there in every society who wish to have others do things for them and those people needs to die off, I'm not being cruel; if they aren't willing to work to live then they shouldn't live. (I'm not speaking of those who are completely disabled or retarded etc).
If this doesn't happen, someone is going to stand up infront of the masses, a dictator whom can convince the minds of those who are unwilling to fight for themselves. There will be anarcy there will be chaos, and eventually humanity will take itself right back to where it is, or it will die off.
I can't fix humanity as a single person, because I can't make people realize what they are doing wrong. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I know what I want in life and I know how to get it. I may be acting like I'm speak right out of a book, but honestly I share a lot of objectivist views. Hell , I consider my signature one of the most important quotes in history, because it is the truth. I'm not trying to turn this paragraph or post into a pro Ayn Rand post, or a Atlas Shrugged post, but I'm just trying to note how important some of her views were. How important it is for humanity, each individual to find what is most important to him or herself and then engage every situation equally with another individual.
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father,
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.