Keep in mind that not all Arabs take it personally. In fact, I would say only a small minority try to do anything about it. And a smaller minority still use violence as their means. But otherwise, yes, most of it comes from resentment that "Western" countries like the USA occupy space that belongs to their people. And yes, promoting "freedom" or "democracy" is just a smoke screen. The USA itself isn't a democracy, nor is it all that "free" despite what the Bush administration claims. It's all weasel words and bullshit to lull the ignorant masses into keeping them in power.
I was shocked that they actually did something like 9/11. It was a calculated attack too: Osama specifically calculated the effect of the planes hitting the twin towers. Apparently he never thought they'd collapse. But I had & have no illusion about their motives. You have to remember, countless agreements have been forged in this region, and all have been violated. I personally don't think the "conflict" will end until they get what they want. A lot of the resentment comes from Israel's formation and continued existence.
Personally, I think the quickest way to put an end to the fighting is to nuke Jerusalem and pull everything military out of the region. The ensuing civil war will end at some point when they realize the stupidity of fighting.
"There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught." -- Irish proverb