From what I've read, most of the hatred of Western civilization stems from the formation of Iraq by Winston Churchill in 1919-1920. Churchill had predicted that the next world war would be fought with airplanes. Iraq was established as a coaling station for the Royal Air Force. Since that time, western nations have played an increasingly large part ensuring that western-friendly leaders come to and stay in power. It always has been and always will be about oil. It has never been and never will be about freedom for the middle east. When freedom is mentioned, it is only because freedom is a means to an end.
It is this interference with their politics, governments, and economies that cause "them" to hate "us".
The tight control that the leaders of many of the Middle Eastern nations have over their populace enable them to whip their citizens into a frenzy of hatred of the West. The reason I say this is because the general populations of these nations do not benefit very much from oil. The leaders do, but not the general population. To this end, the leaders of these nations employ religion as a means to fuel the fires of this hatred. As we can witness in our own countries, religion can sometimes cause people to do some fairly extreme things.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses