Well since I haven't updated in awhile..
I put the new clutch in, also did the rear seal while i was there. Also I put all new seals in the transmission. The transmission went in ALOT easier with the tie rods disconnected. I also did the valve cover gasket, I put the newer style all ruber gasket for a ABA style 2.0L on it. I also did spark plugs. I had issues with my clutch not bleeding properly, but that was solved after I tighten the line that goes to the slave cylinder. Also I had no brake and reverse lights. The problem with the brake lights where the guy who previously owned the car had some fuse taps installed for the car phone. And when I pulled them out the fuse didn't make a good connection. Fixed that and then my 3rd brake light didn't work, I checked for voltage and it was good. Now its just 10 burnt out little light bulbs, which luckily , where easy to find and only $1.75 for a 2 pack, I might replace them with LED's later on. The problem with the reverse lights is a bad switch...I'll have to pull it out and fully manually test it, if its still good then the transmission linkage needs adjusting. Also the car doesn't idle well. I checked resistance of my spark plug wires...they all where supposed to be 6k ohms and the no. 2 cylinder wire was at 12k ohms. Explains why it sounds like the car is miss firing. Also I have to remember the car has the original wires with 197k on them...and the wires sat on the car outside for 9 years, which does pose some problems. I ordered some new wires off of ebay for $28. Also my knock sensor looks like crap and I'm not willing to trust it. Cause if it doesn't work properly it throws the ignition timing out of wack. Hopefully all will be good. I'm just waiting for the knock sensor to come in the mail.