that really depends because the airflow could be off and you could have the cool air going out before it even cools the processor while the hot air spins around in a boxed section or that air from the fan could be pushed off out to the sides and not flow past the heat sink like you want it to. with just one big fan blowing at the case it might not flow past the cpu it could end up just blowing around in front of it without really getting to it. Thats why a case with good airflow runs cooler then a case with the side panal removed and a big fan blowing at it. and i assume thats what he ment by having a 7 inch fan blowing right into the case. with the side of the case open most of the air jus bounces off stuff in there and comes right back out at the fan without getting down in by the heat sink very well. Now if that fan was mounted in the case with a 7 inch hole so all the air couldnt blow right back out by it it would still do better with the same amount of exhaust fan power blowing it out because if theres not enough air being sucked out of the case it would increase the air pressure in the case and that fan would start causing turbulance and basicly just beat the hell out of the air instead of blowing it all into the case. idealy you want to have a little more exhaust then intake just to help the dust get sucked out instead of building up inside the case. At least thats what i have read in some overclocking forums. But yes your right that same amount of air will get pushed out but.. will it get pushed out past what you want it to or will it blow around in a circle without getting to what needs to be cooled.