Originally Posted by joemc91
23yr old
No car as well, so close to the blue line (to work at O'Hare)
In an interesting neighborhood with stuff to do in a good part of town
Inexpensive (~$500 a room, $1000 for a 2 bedroom place, etc.)
Closer to the city is better
So far I've been considering the Irving Park area, but haven't really looked in to all the neighborhoods. Looking forward to the replies.
i live near irving park & damen........it's pretty family-flavored, honestly.
i think you should check out wicker park: try the intersection of damen, north avenue, and milwaukee for some serious 20-something people watching, good restaurants, and the best small rock venues - double door & empty bottle.
rents may be at the top of your range, but the blue line runs directly through the intersection (well, on top of it actually).